Cookie Policy

1. Introduction
Welcome to LarisaXStitch (“Site”). We value your privacy and want to provide you with detailed information about how we use cookies on our website and how it impacts your interaction experience with us.

2. What Are Cookies and Why Do We Use Them?
Cookies are small text files that a website places on your device when you visit it. They serve several functions, including remembering your preferences, analyzing your activity on the site, and providing a more personalized experience.

3. Types of Cookies We Use and Their Purposes
3.1 Necessary Cookies: These cookies are essential for the site’s basic functionality. They enable core features like secure access to your account, maintaining your shopping cart contents, and completing checkout. The site cannot function properly without these cookies.
3.2 Analytics Cookies: We use analytics cookies to better understand how users interact with the site. This data is anonymized and helps us analyze usage trends, enhance functionality, and optimize content. analytics providers like Google Analytics are used for these purposes in accordance with their own policies.
3.3 Preference Cookies: These cookies allow the site to remember your preferences and customizations, like your preferred display language or site theme. They help provide a more personalized experience during visits and over time.

4. Managing Cookies
You can configure your browser to delete or reject cookies from this site. However, preventing cookies may negatively impact your user experience and limit functionality available on the site.

5. Consent to Cookie Policy
By continuing to use our site, you consent to our use of cookies as described in this policy.

6. Policy Updates
We may occasionally update this Cookie Policy to reflect changes in our practices. The latest version will always be available on our site. Continued use after updates confirms your agreement with the revised terms.

7. Contact Us
If you have any other questions about our Cookie Policy, please contact us.

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